Asian Congress of Nutrition(ACN)

The Asian Congress of Nutition (ACN), organized by the FANS, is a signicant quadrennial event it sarves as a pivotal platfom for fostering global scientific colaboration among expents, researchers, acadamics, and practitioners in the feld of food and nutrition. The pimary goal of ACN is to enhance understanding and application of nutritional science by providing a forum for discussing the latest findings and innovations. This event plays a crucial role in promoting a holstic approach to nutriion, amphasizing the imporance of interdisciplinary cooperation to address the diverse challenges in the ever-evolving landscape of food and nutrition

14th Asian Congress of Nutrition (14th ACN)

    Program Book

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    Abstract Book

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    14th ACN Photos

    Pervious Meeting

    • 13thAsian Congress of Nutrition 2019

      Bali, Indonesia

    • 12thAsian Congress of Nutrition 2015

      Yokohama, Japan

    • 11thAsian Congress of Nutrition 2011


    • 10thAsian Congress of Nutrition 2007

      Taipei, China

    • 9thAsian Congress of Nutrition 2003

      New Dethi, India

    • 8thAsian Congress of Nutrition 1999

      Seoul, Korea

    • 7thAsian Congress of Nutrition 1995

      Beijing, China

    • 6thAsian Congress of Nutrition 1991

      Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    • 5thAsian Congress of Nutrition 1987

      Osaka, Japan

    • 4thAsian Congress of Nutrition 1983

      Bangkok, Thailand

    • 3rdAsian Congress of Nutrition 1980

      Jakarta, Indonesia

    • 2ndAsian Congress of Nutrition 1973

      Manila, Philippines

    • 1stAsian Congress of Nutrition 1971

      Hyderabad, India